Saturday, 10 May 2014


 A newly inherited property-turned-hotel brings in all sort of trouble wherein every guest who rents dies before sunrise.
 "Yaamiruka Bayamey" is loosely based on a Korean movie with the same premise. Nonetheless it performs exceedingly well and is worth the time and money.
  Kiran is a happy-go-lucky cum good-for-nothing teenager who barely survives each day with a girlfriend of equal qualities. When fortune bangs on their door they quickly grasp it only to realise later that there is more to their good fortune than meets the eye.
  Their newly acquired property is renovated into a resort with a manager and his sister to help them run the business. But when the first guests arrive, the problem starts and gets worse with each passing moon.
  The success of this project lies in the way it had intelligently blended horror and humour, the two most contrasting qualities that can be brought on screen. Still, the screenplay has done a fine job to give you a stomach ache via laughter. The laughter quotient is so huge that even when the horror elements arrive, you are still laughing because of the preceding joke.
  Given the fact, the film is shot almost in its entirety inside a guest house, it is appreciable that there are no loose or uncanny moments. We are kept deep within our seats laughing at every possible joke the movie can offer.
  With no heroism, no unnecessary songs, it's movies like these that gives me the confidence that the future of Tamil cinema is in safe hands.

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